Good morning:
Almost every time at the cash register or the checkout page, a warranty is offered. There are one, two, five, and even lifetime warranties available for all sorts of different purchases. Of course there are always conditions to warranties as well. Normal wear and tear is typically excluded. Acts of God such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods usually void warranties on most items. Though these things may be true of earthly warranties, there is one item which Christians have that really does have a lifetime warranty. In fact this warranty is better than a lifetime warranty because it extends past death itself.
King David wrote in Psalm 103:17 “But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting On those who fear Him,” What company in the world would guarantee a product forever? The nature of everything on earth is that it slowly gets worse and worse with use. Even the best cars made today will be found in salvage yards years down the road. High quality clothing will eventually become faded from exposure to the sun and detergents. Lifetime warranties do not extend forever, but only last as long as the person is still living. Everything on this earth is temporary, but the mercy of our God is truly everlasting.
Before the world began God already had mercy on you when he predestined you to be His child. When the world ends, the mercy of God the Father will continue to be poured out on you as He sees the perfect obedience of His Son on your account. God had mercy on the whole world when He sent His Son to die for the sins of the world. For all those who fear the Lord, that mercy is then poured out on them directly as Jesus’ righteousness is credited to their accounts. This everlasting warranty, which forgives all of your sins, is yours not because you paid extra for it at the checkout, but because God graciously granted it to you before you were even alive. What a great comfort we have, knowing that our salvation is warrantied under the blood of our Savior. Amen.
In Christ,
Pastor Naumann