100% Chance

100% Chance

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Good morning:

There is more than a 99% chance of an earthquake in California of a magnitude of 6.7 or greater within the next 30 years. At least that is the prediction of one government study. If you were a resident of the state, what would you do? You could simply ignore the danger, forget the warning, and get on with your life. But the thought would no doubt resurface, especially if you occasionally felt some minor tremors. And if the “big one” did strike, it could have devastating effects on your home or even put your life at risk. It’s prudent to prepare. Communities in earthquake zones have strict codes for buildings and highways, so that they will be able to withstand a quake even though, despite the prediction, it may never come.

What if there were a 100% chance of a quake which would not only rock California, but destroy the entire planet? Jesus says, “’The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory” (Mk. 13:24-26). Just as certain as the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago is His return in glory and power to destroy the earth and judge all people.

That day has already been set, even though God has not revealed it to us. The church father Augustine wrote: “The last day is hidden from us, that every day may be observed by us.” It would be foolish and eternally fatal not to prepare. Yet so many conscientiously take precautions in case of earthquakes, prepare for snow storms, take out health insurance in case of illness, but ignore God’s warning of the last day.

We’re no different. We’re in danger of doing the same thing. How many times do we push off time with the Lord in His Word, skip family devotion time, and tell ourselves that we have to take care of a school or work project or get some gift shopping done now….and then sometime later we’ll get around to spiritual matters? It’s totally backwards, isn’t it? Not only that, it’s so dangerous! The last day isn’t going to come at a time convenient or expected by us. It’s going to be sudden and final, like a flash of lightning streaking from one end of the heavens to the other.

The Lord has given us advance warning because He loves us and wants us to be ready. Jesus came the first time to prepare us by taking on Himself our obligations and paying our debt of sin in full on the cross. Jesus reconciled all sinners to God, and all He did becomes ours by faith. Stay in His Word. Trust Him for salvation. Look forward to His return and be ready today.

In Christ, Pastor Naumann